Tuesday, July 22, 2014

When is Friendship Day? Happy Friendship Day Celebration


When is Friendship Day?

In India Friendship Day is comes in monsoon season so on friendship day you can treat your friend with coffee party. Friendship Day is come on Sunday so you can organize a weekend party make some foods that love your friends and serve them in this party. People celebrated friendship day by changing sweets, gifts and goodies. Friends arranges the night out party and recall memories of school and collages. Some friends make greetings and poems to express their feelings. Friendship Day is the day of our life we always waiting for this because on this day anyone can stop us to meet your friends. This is the day for spending whole day alone with your best buddies.

What is Friendship and What is Meaning of Friendship?

Friends are always see our situation and always thinking what can I do for my friend. Because he love us. On this situation there is one Indian story of God Krishna and him friend Sudama. They are best friends from there school. Sudama is child of a poor Bramhan and Krishna is the child of Lord. But in friendship there is not getting this type of difference. They always stay with each other and help each other in every thing. After school they separated Krishna go to Yamuna and Sudama goes to there home. Krishna became a lord but Sudama is small bramhan he stay poor but both this friends always remember each other every day. One day Sudama goes to meet her best friend Krishna and we are always going with some gifts when we go to meet our friend. But Sudama is very poor so he thinks what kind of gift can I give to my best friend Krishna. Then he remembered Krishna loves “Dahi-Pohe” so much. He takes this Dahi Pohe and go to meet him friend. After years he goes to meet him friend so he is so happy but he not expecting anything from Krishna. When he comes to Krishna both friends hugs each other because after long time they meet each other some day Sudama stay there Krishna and Sudama everyday stay with each other chitchat and recalling memories but Sudama not told him anything about their poor situation. After some day Sudama goes to Home, When he comes home he see that thire home is constructed by gold and their wife and childes are very happy because now they are reach and all this possible only by Krishna.

This is the friend and this is called as friendship. Our Best Friends always know what we need and they always fight to give these things to us. So on this friendship day make Happy your friends is your responsibility. Make him happy by giving gifts, Party, best Quoted Cards and many other things. Do anything that your friends like.


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