Saturday, October 25, 2014

Happy New Year Greetings, Wishes, Quotes, Message & SMS

Happy New Year, 2014 is coming when there are few hours left of 2013. Besides Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, New Year is one of the biggest and most important holiday in a year. This time of the year, it is wonderful to send the best wishes for family, friends & your love. This page shows the best New Year Greetings, Wishes, Quotes, Message and SMS. Hope you will like them! New Year Quotations “For last year’s words...

Thursday, July 24, 2014

happy friendship day quotes | Friendship day quotes to share on facebook

1.FrIeNdShIp Is Nt Abt wHo CaMe D fIrSt Or WhO CaReS d BeSt bT ItS AlL AbT wHo CaMe Nd NeVa LeFt. Happy Friendship Day 2.A true friend is someone who knows there's something wrong even when you have the biggest smile on your face. Happy Friendship Day 3.One Heart talk with another one iz affection. one Heart live with another Heart iz Love But two Hearts made like one iz FRINDSHIP.....! Happy Friendship Day 4.Friendship...


TOP TEN(10) GREAT SAYINGS,QUOTES,THOUGHT'S OF FRIENDSHIPDAY 2014 FRIENDSHIPDAY 2014 SPECIAL QUOTES,SAYINGS,THOUGHT'S 1)"If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile... But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me." 2)It's the times we're so crazy, that people think we're high. It's the times we laugh...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Happy Friendship Day 2014 Funny Images | Quotes

Happy Friendship Day 2014 Funny Images | Quotes To an outsider, a crude joke between friends may seem offensive. You may wonder how friends can allow such indiscretion. What about self-esteem and dignity , you ask. However, you need to look deep into the core of friendship.  When friendship is based on mutual trust, respect , and honesty , decorum and decency are merely superficial covers. True friends understand this at...

Top 10 friendshipday quotes 2014 (sayings,thoughts,specials)

TOP 108 FRIENDSHIPDAY QUOTES 2014  Top 10 Friendshipday sayings 2014 *Things are never quite as scary when you have a best friend. *Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don’t say .*Best friends don’t necessarily have to talk every day. They don’t even need to talk for weeks. But when they do, it’s like they never stopped talking. *A stranger stabs you in the front. A friend stabs you in the...

When is Friendship Day? Happy Friendship Day Celebration

When is Friendship Day? In India Friendship Day is comes in monsoon season so on friendship day you can treat your friend with coffee party. Friendship Day is come on Sunday so you can organize a weekend party make some foods that love your friends and serve them in this party. People celebrated friendship day by changing sweets, gifts and goodies. Friends arranges the night out party and recall memories of school and collages. Some...


National Friendship Day was first proclaimed in 1935 by the United States Congress. Henceforth, it is annually celebrated on the first Sunday of every August as a holiday dedicated in honor of friendship. The entire month of February is designated as the International Friendship Month. The third Sunday of every September is Women's Friendship Day. In 1999, Kappa Delta Sorority created National Women’s Friendship Day for all women....